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Helping determine the cause of your pain is key in getting you out of pain the quickest with non-invasive techniques. A treatment plan will be customized specifically for each patient taking their problem, occupation or sport, and schedule into careful consideration. 

Specialized types of joint mobilization will help painful neck, back, shoulder, hand, leg and foot pains. Electrical stimulation applied to affected muscle groups can ease acute and chronic pains. Therapeutic ultrasound and other medical equipment will be used in your treatment visits. Treatment plans significantly depend on the severity and intensity of your pain and response. After a proper diagnosis is obtained, treatment visits may consist of 1-2 visits or can extend over a period of 2-3 months. Each individual responds differently to care and each case is not typical. Relief of pain or ease of symptoms is also heavily weighted on the patients participation in their Home Exercise Program customized to your schedule and diagnosis. Program exercises are sent to your cellular phone as an interactive exercise message with short clips on proper form and execution of the exercises.

X-ray or MRI imaging may or may not be required to help best diagnose your problem and will be ordered by the doctor as necessary. We frequently send our patients to Presence Resurrection Hospital and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital for imaging, but we will gladly accept imaging request to your preferred or (in-network) imaging center.

Clinical Muscle Taping

Water resistant retraction tape is used for 2-3 days at a time.

Muscle taping techniques are used by athletes and have been used in the Olympics for near twenty years. Muscle recruitment and lymphatic drainage. Specialized protocols are also used for cosmetic removal of large unwanted contusions and bruises as indicated on the left.

Clinical taping is commonly used:

  • Post - Surgery to assist with swelling and edema

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Spasming Muscle Activation / Inhibition

  • Superficial or Deep Bruising

  • Lymphatic Drainage

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